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Chapter 3:HSN Code & GST Rate for Fish, fillets and other aquatic animals meat

Rates (%)

Products  Description

HSN Codes

Export and Import HSN Codes


Live fish.


03011100, 03011900, 03019100, 03019200, 03019300, 03019400, 03019500, 03019900


Fish, fresh or chilled, excluding fish fillets and other fish meat of heading 0304


03021100, 03021300, 03021400, 03021900, 03022100, 03022200, 03022300, 03022400, 03022900, 03023100, 03023200, 03023300, 03023400, 03023500, 03023600, 03023900, 03024100, 03024200, 03024300, 03024400, 03024500, 03024600, 03024700, 03024900, 03025100, 03025200, 03025300, 03025400, 03025500, 03025600, 03025700, 03025900, 03027100, 03027200, 03027300, 03027400, 03027900, 03028100, 03028200, 03028300, 03028400, 03028500, 030289, 03028910, 03028920, 03028930, 03028990, 03029000, 030291, 03029110, 030292, 03029210, 030299, 03029910, 03029990


Fish, frozen, excluding fish fillets and other fish meat of heading 0304 and other than those  put up in unit container and,- (a) bearing a registered brand name; or (b) bearing a brand name on which an actionable claim or enforceable right in a court of law is available


03031100, 03031200, 03031300, 03031400, 03031900, 03032300, 03032400, 03032500, 03032600, 03032900, 03033100, 03033200, 03033300, 03033400, 03033900, 03034100, 03034200, 03034300, 03034400, 03034500, 03034600, 03034900, 03035100, 03035300, 03035400, 03035500, 03035600, 03035700, 03035900, 03036300, 03036400, 03036500, 03036600, 03036700, 03036800, 03036900, 030381, 03038110, 03038190, 03038200, 03038300, 03038400, 030389, 03038910, 03038920, 03038930, 03038940, 03038950, 03038960, 03038970, 03038980, 03038990, 03038991, 03039010, 03039090, 030391, 03039110, 03039190, 030392, 03039210, 030399, 03039910, 03039990


Fish, frozen, excluding fish fillets and other fish meat of heading and put up in unit container and,- (a) bearing a registered brand name; or (b) bearing a brand name on which an actionable claim or enforceable right in a court of law is available


03031100, 03031200, 03031300, 03031400, 03031900, 03032300, 03032400, 03032500, 03032600, 03032900, 03033100, 03033200, 03033300, 03033400, 03033900, 03034100, 03034200, 03034300, 03034400, 03034500, 03034600, 03034900, 03035100, 03035300, 03035400, 03035500, 03035600, 03035700, 03035900, 03036300, 03036400, 03036500, 03036600, 03036700, 03036800, 03036900, 030381, 03038110, 03038190, 03038200, 03038300, 03038400, 030389, 03038910, 03038920, 03038930, 03038940, 03038950, 03038960, 03038970, 03038980, 03038990, 03038991, 03039010, 03039090, 030391, 03039110, 03039190, 030392, 03039210, 030399, 03039910, 03039990


Fish fillets and other fish meat (whether or not minced), frozen.All goods [other than fresh or chilled] and put up in unit container and,- (a) bearing a registered brand name; or (b) bearing a brand name on which an actionable claim or enforceable right in a court of law is available [other than those where any actionable claim or enforceable right in respect of such brand name has been foregone voluntarily], subject to the conditions as in the ANNEXURE]


03043100, 03043200, 03043300, 03043900, 03044100, 03044200, 030443000, 03044400, 03044500, 03044600, 03044700, 03044800, 030449, 03044910, 03044920, 03044930, 03044940, 03044990, 03045100, 03045200, 03045300, 03045400, 03045500, 03045600, 03045700, 030459, 03045910, 03045920, 03045930, 03045940, 03045990, 03046100, 03046200, 03046300, 03046900, 03047100, 03047200, 03047300, 03047400, 03047500, 03047900, 03048100, 03048200, 03048300, 03048400, 03048500, 03048600, 03048700, 030488, 03048810, 03048820, 03048830, 030489, 03048910, 03048920, 03048930, 03048940, 03048990, 03049100, 03049200, 03049300, 03049400, 03049500, 03049600, 03049700, 03049900


Fish fillets and other fish meat (whether or not minced), fresh or chilled.


03041100, 03041200,03041900,03042100,03042200, 03042910,03042930, 03042950,  03043100, 03043200, 03043300, 03043900, 03044100, 03044200, 03044300, 03044400, 03044500, 03044600, 03044700, 03044800, 030449, 03044910, 03044920, 03044930, 03044940, 03044990, 03045100, 03045200, 03045300, 03045400, 03045500, 03045600, 03045700, 030459, 03045910, 03045920, 03045930, 03045940, 03045990, 03046100, 03046200, 03046300, 03046900, 03047100, 03047200, 03047300, 03047400, 03047500, 03047900, 03048100, 03048200, 03048300, 03048400, 03048500, 03048600, 03048700, 030488, 03048810, 03048820, 03048830, 030489, 03048910, 03048920, 03048930, 03048940, 03048990, 03049100, 03049200, 03049300, 03049400, 03049500, 03049600, 03049700, 03049900


Fish, dried, salted or in brine; smoked fish, whether or not cooked before or during the smoking process; flours, meals and pellets of fish, fit for human consumption


03051000, 03052000, 03053100, 03053200, 03053900, 03054100, 03054200, 03054300, 03054400, 03054900, 03055100, 03055910, 03055920, 03055930, 03055990, 03056100, 03056200, 03056300, 03056400, 03056910, 03056920, 03056930, 03056990, 03057100, 03057200, 03057900


Fish dried (not put up in unit container bearing a brand name)


03051000, 03052000, 03053100, 03053200, 03053900, 03054100, 03054200, 03054300, 03054400, 03054900, 03055100, 03055910, 03055920, 03055930, 03055990, 03056100, 03056200, 03056300, 03056400, 03056910, 03056920, 03056930, 03056990, 03057100, 03057200, 03057900


Crustaceans, whether in shell or not, frozen, dried, salted or in brine; crustaceans, in shell, cooked by steaming or boiling in water, frozen, dried, salted or in brine; flours, meals and pellets of crustaceans, fit for human consumption. e right in a court of e voluntarily], subject to the conditions as in the ANNEXURE]


03061100, 03061210, 03061290, 03061400, 03061500, 03061610, 03061690, 03061711, 03061719, 03061790, 03061900, 03062100, 03062200, 03062400, 03062500, 03062600, 03062710, 03062720, 03062900, 03063100, 03063200, 03063300, 03063400, 03063500, 03063600, 03063900, 03069100, 03069200, 03069300, 03069400, 03069500, 03069900


Crustaceans, whether in shell or not, live, fresh or chilled; crustaceans, in shell, cooked by steaming or boiling in water live, fresh or chilled.


03061100, 03061210, 03061290, 03061400, 03061500, 03061610, 03061690, 03061711, 03061719, 03061790, 03061900, 03062100, 03062200, 03062400, 03062500, 03062600, 03062710, 03062720, 03062900, 03063100, 03063200, 03063300, 03063400, 03063500, 03063600, 03063900, 03069100, 03069200, 03069300, 03069400, 03069500, 03069900


Molluscs, whether in shell or not, frozen, dried, salted or in brine; aquatic invertebrates other than crustaceans and molluscs, frozen, dried, salted or in brine; flours, meals and pellets of aquatic invertebrates other than crustaceans, fit for human consumption


03071100, 03071900, 03072100, 03072900, 03073100, 03073910, 03073990, 03074110, 03074120, 030742, 03074210, 03074220, 030743, 03074310, 03074320, 03074330, 030749, 03074910, 03074920, 03074930, 03074940, 03074990, 03075100, 03075900, 03076000, 03077100, 03077900, 03078100, 03078200, 03078300, 03078400, 03078700, 03078800, 03078900, 03079100, 03079900, 03079910, 03079920, 03079990


Molluscs, whether in shell or not, live, fresh, chilled; aquatic invertebrates other than crustaceans and molluscs, live, fresh or chilled.


03071100, 03071900, 03072100, 03072900, 03073100, 03073910, 03073990, 03074110, 03074120, 030742, 03074210, 03074220, 030743, 03074310, 03074320, 03074330, 030749, 03074910, 03074920, 03074930, 03074940, 03074990, 03075100, 03075900, 03076000, 03077100, 03077900, 03078100, 03078200, 03078300, 03078400, 03078700, 03078800, 03078900, 03079100, 03079900, 03079910, 03079920, 03079990


Aquatic invertebrates other than crustaceans and molluscs, frozen, dried, salted or in brine; smoked aquatic invertebrates other than crustaceans and molluscs, whether or not cooked before or during the smoking process: flours, meals and pellets of aquatic invertebrates other than crustaceans and molluscs, fit for human consumption


03081100, 03081900, 03082100, 03082900, 03083010, 03083020, 03089000


Aquatic invertebrates other than crustaceans and molluscs, live, fresh or chilled.


03081100, 03081900, 03082100, 03082900, 03083010, 03083020, 03089000

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